I can figure this out...
Hey friends! ๐
So, here's the thing about confidence - it's not what most of us think it is. Let me break it down for you.
One version of confidence is: "I've got this figured out."
Another version is: "I can figure this out."
At first glance, they might seem pretty similar, right? But trust me, there's a world of difference between these two mindsets. Let's dive in a bit deeper.
The first one - "I've got this figured out" - we've all been there, haven't we? It's that feeling when you think you know everything there is to know about a subject. You're the expert, the guru, the know-it-all. And sure, it feels pretty good in the moment, and sometimes, you actually ARE, and then its fine. But here's the catch - most of the time, that kind of thinking, it's actually a trap. Its close-minded. It leaves no room for growth, no space for learning, new ideas or perspectives.
That is dangerous.
And let's be real, in a world that's constantly changing and evolving, can any of us really claim to have everything figured out?
Now, let's look at the second version - "I can figure this out." This, my friends, is where the magic happens. This kind of confidence is humble and open-minded. It acknowledges that you might not have all the answers right now, but you have the ability to find them. It's about trusting in your capacity to learn, adapt, and grow. And let me tell you, you'd be surprised that this is the kind of confidence that can take you places!
I've been trying to embrace this second version of confidence more in my own life, and it's been a game-changer. Personally, I love learning new stuff but Instead of feeling pressured to know everything, I'm learning to be okay with not knowing. I'm finding joy in the process of discovery, in the journey of figuring things out when the time comes.
So here's what I want you to take away from this post:
In which areas in life, you can be a bit more humble about what you know, but leave room for learning and grouth and be confident about what you can learn. You don't have to know everything in advance, and when you do need something, everything is figure-out-able.
Isn't that a liberating thought? It takes the pressure off having to be perfect or all-knowing. Instead, it encourages us to be curious, to ask questions, to explore and experiment. You will learn so much.
I'm curious to hear what you guys think about this. Have you ever caught yourself falling into the "I've got this figured out" trap and then when you are deep in the situation, you realised you don't know as much as you thought? How can you cultivate that "I can figure this out" mindset in your own life?
Until next time, keep learning, keep growing, and remember - you've got this! (Or at least, you can figure it out ๐)
Yash xx