The game of life
Alright, here's the deal: every time you play, there's a massive 90% chance you'll lose. Yup, 90%!But don't freak out, 'cause the amount you lose has a limit!
Alright, here's the deal: every time you play, there's a massive 90% chance you'll lose. Yup, 90%!
But don't freak out, 'cause the amount you lose has a limit! No matter how much you bet, you'll never lose more than a certain amount, which you already know. Sweet, right?
Now, 10% of the time, you'll win. And when you do, you can win BIG! Like, seriously, there's no limit to how much you can win. Mind-blowing, huh?
So, in a nutshell, you lose with a max loss of 90% of the time, but 10% of the time you could win a crazy amount! So, how many times would you play this game?
Here's what I think: I'd play every. single. day! I mean, if my losses are limited but my gains are, like, unlimited, I'd play as much as I could to hit that sweet 10% winning chance.
Do you know what's wild? This is kinda like life. Since you're reading this, you probably understand English, have a smartphone, and fast internet. Also, I'd say you are fortunate enough to never face hunger or homelessness in your life. That means whatever risks you take in life, your losses are limited. No matter the risk, you're never gonna lose everything you have.
So, especially, when you are in your 20's you probably don't have huge responsibilities and (real) expectations. You have enough time to lose and hit for that 10% chance that you might win big.
So if this is the game of life, I'd play it over and over and over again! What about you? This way of thinking has given me a lot of freedom in terms of what I do, and what I strive towards because it sets you free from your fear of losing everything you have.
I really admire Ankur! I think, out of all the people, he is one of those guys who has a tonne of experience backed behind everything he says and he shares it with deep empathy. I love the way he describes this idea and shares it with his personal example. He himself has been in this situation a lot of times where he deployed all his money and resources in spite of knowing he could lose, but if he wins, he will win big. He took the bet because he knew he can only lose so much and he won't die out of hunger any day.

That's it.
I would love to know your thoughts on this.
Yash xx